Sunday, September 04, 2005 

Shorline Spektakular

Dear Diary,
Yuo will not belive wher Ray took me to today. He bowut us to tikits for a plane to Mishigain. It was more then i couldeve imagined. He spint $100 on plane tikits!! Now, thats a good wedding presint. We went to Shorline Spektakular. It was a blast! They has line dancing over ther. We dances, and dances all nite long! It was very romantic. The plane ride bak home was scarey. we almost died. the plane ran out of gas whiel we was in the air. we went zoom-zoomin down towats the ground. but, we landed in a field, that was right across the streit from my trailor park. we grabbed my bags adn wen t home. it was romantic. my favvey part was when we was we was dancin.

Lord bless the viktims of the horribel akcident in calfirney. where da hurricanes was.

Bessie J. T.


Well, these are my pictures. I will post after the wedding. Love and God Bless, and may Jesus pretect the Katrina viktims. Bessie J.
Bessie's Photo Collecktion


This is teh church. It's called St. Bill's Baptist Church of Lakeview Trailer Park. I don't know who Bill was, but i guess he though he was saintley. If you tink the outside is nice, you should see the inside.
Bessie's Photo Collecktion


This is my wedding gown, I am afraid that I cannot send pictures of my wedding, becuz i don't have enough money for a photographer, but I put the dress on anyway, and did my hair, as you can see, the color of teal is my favy! Our weding is on Tuesday, September 6. I will send a picture of the church to.
Bessie's Photo Collecktion


This is a picture of my ex-hubby at the Labor Day Party at my trailer 2 yeers ago. He also had fake teeth. It's a tradition to wear them Billy Bob fake teeth, cuz it's reel fun to look at.
Bessie's Photo Collecktion


Winifred at the Labor Day Party, that was yesterday. She hosted it at Ted's Pub, and those are fake teeth she's wearing, don't ask me wy. As you can see, she looks like a spoon collektion stealer person doesn't she?
Bessie's Photo Collecktion