Sunday, August 14, 2005 

My Revenge on Winifred...

That #@&% Winifred just came over and said "I's sorry Bessie on the recent "misplacement" of your wonderfull spoon collektion, I hope it gets back to you!" I knows she did it. I knows it! That low-life woman better count her blessings that I don't Mud-Wrassle her. Sleezy bitch.


Lost Treasure

Dear Diary,
Today would have to be the werst day in my whoole life! Ya know that spoon collektion that I was telling you about? Well, it was a'stolen!! Of all the valuable things in my house, the spoons were takin. And I knows it was my neighbor, Winifred Marshall. She has a gumpy foot and I knows she was just a'hankerin to get her greasy, snot-filled hands on my babies! Now let me tell you a story of how I knows it was her...
Way back down the time trail, when I received the spoon that changed my life, Winnie came over to play and spent half an hours gaukin at my new spoon. when I saw her looking at my new spoon, I could see the jealousy flames a'burnin in her eyes. So's, I never let her come over again.

Well, now that I let that out, I will leave you to ponder some more reasons to accuse Winnie. Night Night

Bessie J

Let the world bless us all (Ezept Winifred, that dirty bitch!)