Sunday, October 23, 2005 

Shopping with RAY

Dear Blog Diary,

Todya i went to walmart to do our first shoping trip with ray and we bought evrything a maried couple could ever want for a home. we bought new kitchen aplliances and ray bought me a salad shooter! just think, i can shred anyhing into dinner pieces and we can even shred ham we also bought a new Microwave and a blender. now we can have margaritas til the sun goes down. we also bought a lugage set, and now the lord knows that nothin says true love like a couple with a expensive luggage set, it was even martha stuart brand! it was blue with tiny flowers anbd it has 5 peices! i am so happy. we also bought food for two wekes. i bought count chocola cereal, hamburgar helper, butterball turkeys, pepperoni, bread, i cant beleive its not butter, and even more! ive never spent so much money on food, we also bought a new bed set and it is so beautiful. here;s a link to a picture it was on sale at jc penney!

isnt it beautoiful. ray is so pleased. i am the hapiest woman in lakeview trailer park. even hapier than that skank winifred marshall. if shes lookin rto bone ray, she better keep her skank eyes shut he hates her. she has beetter luck bonin that nasty skank trailer slut man person Jim Stuckey the trailer janitor park man. i hate winifred that nasty girl. she can rot in hell and die. she stole my spoon colektion and i will never forget it. i will never forgive winifred marshall. DIE TRAILER TRASH HO!

sorry, got caried away,
anyway, love and jesus's best wishes to all of you married couples, and may the antichrists of this world (*cough*) winifred marshall (*cough*) find jesus's love and become beter people over night.
love and hope and kisses from the girl next door,

Bessie Jean Taylor-Gizzard
love from Ray Taylor-Gizzard to.