Monday, November 28, 2005 

Thanxgivin Supper at Winnifreds

this will be teh most awfuel jurnel that i hav ever rote. me an ray was at winnies hous haavin thanxgivin turkey helper when all ofa sudin, winifred pulled out a spoon that has bin stolin from my spoon collekchion. it was my favy lost spoon! an she was scoopin cranberrie corn with it! i hulred her akros the table and waled her eyeball and she has a shiner and a broked nose.i grabbed my poon and mhy turkey helper bak and grabed ray and me and ray went home and pumped 7 times til we was sor. an i think i am preggy. ima be a momma! AND RAY A DADDA! we is gona be teh best parents in da double wide pawk! dahs about it. i wills send moah jiggy cuffs and spreaders. lov all!
