I'm Bessie Jean, and I live in Lakeview Trailer Park in Lake Village, Arkansas. My favo'ite bands include Diamond Rio and Gretchen Wilson. You just kin't beat th' old southern music. One of my hobbies is thet I colleck them miniature spoons from every state I've been to. Them spoons are real nice. Well, I also own a gator. His name is Billie Rae, but I just call him Bill for short. He's is a real tame lizard he don't bite or nothin'. I got to go, I got a sponge cake in the oven. Bessie Jean
This is that sleezy skank Winifred Marshall's trailer, she don't got a nice place like me and Bill do, her house is faling apart. Bessie's Photo Collecktion
My house is jsut as nice as yourss Bessie Jean. Watch your mouth or I'll tell Ray your secret.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:57 PM
mi house is niker than yours bessie jean and winifred marshall. So you jus keep you mouts shut tigt or i'll burn your trailer trash duwn.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:42 PM